Anxiety tip

There are many coping skills to try with anxiety. I have tried them all but here is one excercise that seems to really help. For me when I do this it takes so much concentration, it is very calming, only focusing on your breathing. It helps your core as well as settles your mind. I was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder about 15 years ago and have not taken medication in quite some time. I find ways to cope. Diet, excercise, and natural supliments are key.

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Autoimmune disease

Illustration of the immune system

Your body’s immune system protects you from disease and infection. But if you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body.

No one is sure what causes autoimmune diseases. They do tend to run in families. Women – particularly African-American, Hispanic-American, and Native-American women – have a higher risk for some autoimmune diseases.

There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, and some have similar symptoms. This makes it hard for your health care provider to know if you really have one of these diseases, and if so, which one. Getting a diagnosis can be frustrating and stressful. Often, the first symptoms are fatigue, muscle aches and a low fever. The classic sign of an autoimmune disease is inflammation, which can cause redness, heat, pain and swelling.

The diseases may also have flare-ups, when they get worse, and remissions, when symptoms get better or disappear. Treatment depends on the disease, but in most cases one important goal is to reduce inflammation. Sometimes doctors prescribe corticosteroids or other drugs that reduce your immune response.

Retrieved from:

I Have had my boughts with this word and have been tested for crohn’s disease, siliac disease, and lupus. I eventually just got to the point where they have classified me as to have an “unidentified autoimmune disease” including psorisis, psoriatic arthritis, IBS, and endometriosis. For the most part it is nothing that takes away from a normal life if I manage my diet well and take my suppliments. I also have an anxiety disorder that can be so severe I have the physical symptoms that make you feel like you are going to have a stroke at any moment, however have not been on any perscribed medication in years, I choose an all natural route.

I would love to talk with others who may suffer from any of these problems!




I have found that anxiety comes in many forms and can cause negative and positive impact on our lives. It can create obstacles to pursue dreams, however the overthinking part can really make you successful if you can control it. I encourage you to use anxiety as a tool in your life instead of a crutch. Spiritually speaking, God speaks of anxiety and simply says to not be anxious, which psychologically speaking, is easier said than done. Meditate, pray, and don’t let it take control of you. I have included a great article to promote understanding.


Happy new year!

IMG_0206Everyone always sets goals for the new year even if they like to say they don’t. Some people claim that new years resolutions are something that may be silly, however a set of obtainable goals can be something to look forward to and to learn from. What is it that you would like to accomplish? Start small. Create a budget, or a small saving plan to have for christmas. Aquire school information for either fun classes such as painting or writing, or think big to get a degree. The key is, you have to actually start somewhere. Any goal set and accomplished should be treated as a block you have overcome. Create a healthy habit such as an excercise program, if you don’t like to go to a gym, there are many great programs for game systems that you can do at home.

Here is a simple challenge to start a savings account, I’m sure many have seen this on social media sites. IMG_0297

As for myself, I am still creating more opportunities to teach others about better health with Plexus and becoming healthier and happier within myself. I have overcome a lot of aspects of my autoimmune disease as well as IBS and migraines. I am on my second year of obtaining my psychology degree with a second focus on nutrition. I also will start this year working with young children at church and am very excited to be learning from them too! logo

I will be researching more on how to create meal plans for better health and financial freedom, as I budget my own to service nutrition for my family of 6, and normally spend about $80 a week. 🙂

I hope everyone has a fantastic new year!


I have suffered with plaque psoriasis for many years. It has also developed psoriatic arthritis that seriously almost disabled me. I was put on injections twice a week and it helped tremendously, however the side effects can be pretty harsh. Since discovering an all natural supplement for overall better health, I’ve decreased my injections and for the first time (even with the injections my skin was never completely clear) I am 100% clear, including clear of cystic acne. Here are some before and after pictures. My wedding day and I looked like I had leprocy. It was so embarrassing that I really hate looking at the pictures. Now I get made fun of by my kids for taking selfies! Haha!  


My journey

I am 36 years old with a blended family of 4 children. This is the second half of my life. I have been a vey successful dog groomer for 20 years and decided to go back to school to pursue a bigger dream. I would like to get my psychology degree before my oldest son finishes with college, so I have a little more than 3 years. Success is a state of mind, an attitude, an ora, that we all possess yet some never can unlock. I overcame child abuse…SUCCESS…I overcame horrible relationships…SUCCESS…and now next goal will be school…SUCCESS COMING SOON! Ha.

This new journew with a company called plexus will help me be a healthier person, will allow me to help others, and will provide a much needed income for my family. I have had a great personal start as it has helped me with so many health problems…BLESSINGS. Now since I am so very aware of the benefits, I am ready for the financial blessings to grow. I have great faith in my God, my family, and plexus.

I am also working on trying to help others with financial freedom with the encouragement of pursuing a dream and helping them learn to budget well to buy healthy foods. Meal planning is key. I currently spend about 160$ every 2 weeks to feed my family of 6. I cook every day and we eat very healthy.

Watch out 2016…success and blessings to come….